Friday, February 26, 2010

American Idol Week 1 Results

grrrrr that's how I feel after this week!

One of my favorite girls was booted this week and I don't understand why, I think there is a lot of talent on the girls end this year but I also believe there were AT LEAST 5 girls that did worse then Janelle and I'm shocked that she was first to get kicked off! I'm bummed needless to say but I am also guilty of not voting (I know I know) but I didn't think I needed to because it was so obvious who the weak links are (not to name names but Haeley, I mean c'mon people!) I think the other choice of letting Ashley was correct, I think she has a great voice and it may have even been a bad choice of song that ultimately sent her packing but I still don't think she would have won the whole thing so either now or later.......
So next week I'M VOTING!!!! Until then here are the results and list of favorites

And now for the boys......
grrrrrrrrrrrr once again I don't' think America got this right! And I'm stunned that Joe didn't get another shot, I'm not sure how he would add up to some of the bigger talent as the weeks went on but I certainly didn't expect his idol journey to end so soon.....
Tyler I wasn't sure of, I did like him at first but I get what the judges were saying about how gimmicky he was. And it didn't seem sincere, he was trying to hard to be exactly like Jim Morrison and it didn't seem right, it didn't seem like he really believed it. I would have been very interested in seeing what he would have come up with in the weeks to come but unfortunately we wont' get the chance to see what Tyler can do :(

1 comment:

Taryn Hess said...

OMG...How was Haeley not voted off...She is the worst EVER!!!