Thursday, February 4, 2010

So lately I've been thinking....

There's not much I can do about this really but it's something that bugs me, more some time than others, and this happens to be one of those times.
Last night while having a conversation with my brother, we happened to get into talking about the world (well our world really which would be the US, or more specifically New York State). We were complaining and commiserating about the way things are, how much health insurance costs here as opposed to other countries, and how some people get it all for free (some deservedly to help them back on their feet and some are a just lazy bums)!
I will fully admit that I voted for Obama (because c'mon people something had to change!!) I will also admit that since that day I voted for him I haven't really been following up on what he's been doing, or what he's been working on. I don't know if any of the promises he made have been put in place or if he just forgot about it all once he was elected. I'm sure, however he's still more for the middle class than McCain was. So moving on I think it really sucks the way things are run around here, the rising costs of health insurance and expenses is getting outrageous, and hearing my brothers point of view, being a physician and being on that end of it he's also getting screwed with getting less $$ from the insurance companies. So basically they raised our rates, lowered the rate the Doctors get paid and are pocketing all the money????!!! I mean what the F*ck!! Sorry but this is getting ridiculous! And meanwhile people that have lower income, or those that chose not to or can not work are getting excellent benefits and they're all for free! grrr some things just aren't fair. It's wonderful to be able to help those in need but help us too, I mean we're paying for it. There is no reason the HMO need to make the money they do i mean isn't this called price gouging????? It seems like the original ideas were there, they were solid, when insurance first came out and everyone paid into it, probably way back in the day, 1920's or so, but some a$$hole along the way figured out how to make a sh*tload of $$$ that he doesn't need and walla! prices are up. It's like that with everything too, health insurance, car insurance, taxes it's crazy. and it's exhausting.....
Dave puts it into perspective for me each time I get on this tangent. He mentions that it builds character to work for things, to know they're yours, and to some extent we need some to be on welfare and to get everything for free, it keeps some up and some down and it's the way we function as a society; however it still ticks me off because while I don't' mind "paying my own way" and I enjoy being able to make my own money and actually be able to buy nice things and to go to nice places on vacations, etc. it still sucks that WE have to work so hard and WE don't see the same benefits that THEY do. The insurance that the "uninsured" now have for FREE is way better than my plan and I'm paying for it, when they're not. And the thing that sucks is for small business owners trying to pay for insurance for their families the rates are OUTRAGEOUS, believe me when I tell you. It's just a bit twisted I think, and it definitely makes me angry.
I remember being in school and applying for financial aid. I got about $300 a semester for free and had to take out loans (with interest!) to pay of the rest, when my girlfriend and was a minority with two kids got everything paid for and then some. It's like oh sure, here's enough to cover all of your tuition for two years, here's a crap load of money for your books and here while you're at it why not take another $2000 dollars! (which by the way this girl decided to use as spending money for a new TV, play station and whatever other frivolous things she decided to buy, she didn't need the money to pay for living expenses etc, she had the money she needed to live and to take care of her babies, but they still gave her the money. For me they said oh well your parents make too much money, and I'm like ok well they're not paying for my tuition, oh well it doesn't matter because you still live at home, ugh whatever!!!

I hear in other countries these things are free, education, child care, heath insurance, etc. Wouldn't that be nice? (And the wonderful US of A is like # 75 on the list of "best places to live") I know there are down sides to that too, and I get that but geez.....if only I ran the world....things would be a lot different people!!!

And so with that being said maybe I'll run for president!

Cartoon by David Horsey / Seattle P.I.

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